Sunday, January 20, 2008

Under Where?

Our classrooms have wireless internet access, so it stands to reason that you can do a little internet surfing during those boring class times.

Note to self: Don't shop for intimate apparel during nursing classes unless you are in the back row where no one can see your screen. I'm just saying.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

This One's For You Woodworking Man

Woodworking Man = My Father in Law

Woodworking Man is a Type II diabetic who has very strong opinions about the location of a finger stick when testing blood sugar. I have heard on more than one occasion that it drives him nuts when healthcare workers take his sugar, they poke the pad of his finger and not the side.

Last time it came up I promised him that if they didn't allow me to do the side poke while in school that once I was out of school, I would do it his way.

He will really like my instructors, because during our blood sugar testing lab today, they told us to use the side of the finger.

"Victory for Woodworking Man"

Saturday, January 12, 2008

You like me, You really like me

I think I was channeling my inner Sally Fields at orientation the other day. Walking in I was thinking "No one will want me to sit by them, no one will want to talk to me." It's like all the fears of Jr. High came back with a vengeance.

I'm such a dork. I found a place to sit by people who I really like and I spent a lot of time catching up with many of my classmates.

I am such a ninny.

2nd Semester Orientation

It really should have been called "How to scare the shit out of a room full of adults." Ok - maybe we weren't scared, but definitely overwhelmed.

I'm really excited about this semester since we will be learning about chronic diseases. Most importantly is that our time in class to clinical gets better, it will now be a 1:2 ratio (class to clinical).

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Gearing it back up

Break time is over.... it was sure fun while it lasted. I can't believe a whole month has gone by.

Thursday is our orientation day and then next Monday we are off to the races. IV's, Trach care, bladder irrigation here I come!

We have a scavenger hunt that we need to do before showing up on Thursday and I thought, "Oh - I'll just pump this out and get it over with" late yesterday afternoon. WRONG. It turned out to be WAYYY more detailed that I expected. I can live with it because I found that our 16 page clinical write up form we had to do last semester has been replaced with a 4 page form. I expect it will be the last time I will ever see paperwork reduction in this field.